Megidramon is #372 in Digimon World Dawn and Dusk, and is an Attacker-class Dragon species Digimon with a resistance to the Fire element and weakness to the Water. Official romanization given by the Digimon Reference Book and used in the franchise. On its back, it has two large, red and orange dragon-like wings that are frayed near the ends. Its head is red (save for its lower jaw), with two large spikes above its eyes and two wing-like ears behind its eyes. Its arms are also covered in metal, with large blades that run the length of its arms attached to its forearms, the Digital Hazard symbol displayed on its shoulders, and three claws on its hands.
Its torso is covered in red and white metal, with white ribs around the sides and the Digital Hazard symbol displayed prominently in the center. It has a long, red and white serpent-like tail that forms the lower half of its body with a red thigh guard around its waist.
2.7 Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory.
2.5 Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars Blue and Red. Megido Bite: Bites its opponents with its jaws ruthlessly. Megido Flame ( Megiddo Flame): Attacks with flames that reduce everything to ash. Dragon Howling ( Hell Howling): Releases a powerful shock wave called the "howl of hell". According to one theory, Megidramon and ChaosGallantmon are the same being, and it is said that whether that wave of terror is projected as a dark knight or as a dark dragon depends on the observer. However, it is said that a great amount of damage will be exerted on the Digital World when its powers are awakened. Although it is a rare species that isn't even known to be extant, and its very existence is a " Digital Hazard", its powers were sealed away by some sort of "force". It is a pillar of the Four Great Dragons alongside Azulongmon, Goldramon, and Magnadramon, but its personality is so fiendish that it doesn't bear the slightest resemblance to the other three. It is an extremely wicked Digimon that is the most evil among Dragon Digimon. Gallery Megidramon is an Evil Dragon Digimon.