Rainbow six siege operator pick rate
Rainbow six siege operator pick rate

rainbow six siege operator pick rate

She’s amazing no matter the map or bomb site. Her MPX is statistically weak, but its low recoil gives it high headshot potential.

rainbow six siege operator pick rate

With a deep understanding of map layouts, experienced Valkyrie players can hide her three sticky cameras in spaces that attackers will never find without an IQ. Valkyrie’s Black Eye cameras are the best tools in Siege for surveilling enemies from any angle you can imagine. At a high level of play, it’s never a bad idea to have these operators around. The highest tier of Rainbow Six Siege defenders have a winning combination of competitive weapons and crucial gadgets. Rainbow Six Siege Defender Tier List S – Tier Defenders This list was last updated on April 21, 2020. This isn’t for pros, but it’s also not for new players, we do assume a good level of familiarity with every defender. I’m also assuming a Gold to Platinum level of skill in the game (high enough that you’re seeking out detailed tier rankings). This tier list covers the viability of all 27 defenders in the context of a serious Ranked match with a team using a minimum level of communication and coordination. A balanced team needs plenty of tools to keep attackers at bay and weapons that can compete with assault rifles on and off the bomb site. Building the perfect defense in Rainbow Six Siege is about a lot more than picking your favorite operators.

Rainbow six siege operator pick rate