The old republic level cap
The old republic level cap

the old republic level cap

There will be no achievement in having a max level toon any more, and a huge timesink will be gone forever for bioware. Leveling toons is a big part of that and this proposed chang will complete negate it. It’s the crack that keep people coming back. MMOS (and video games in general) run on artificial achievement. Level and gear grind are the natural selection that weeds out the week. there is a reason for a leveling grind, it is to weed out the quitters and the whiners and the half assers who will get bored and their toon will die on hoth because mmo life is so so hard. THEY ARENT WILLING TO PUT IN THE WORK, and giving them a free ride to 60 will make it 10X worse.

the old republic level cap the old republic level cap

People who expect to compete in pvp and take on hard content but arent willing to grind gear or augment their toons. People who quit after a couple of wipes cuz its too hard or everyone else must just suck. This in a nutshell is what is killing this game. YOU DONT DESERVE TO PLAY A CLASS ENDGAME IF YOU ARENT WILLING TO PUT IN THE WORK TO GET THERE. You want to play end game with your new character but you dont want to put in the work to get there, not even 20 hours worth of 12xp which is a blink in video game time. People who are OK with this are the MMO equivalent of welfare bums. Basically, something completely useless for ops and fps and good only as entry level stuff for FE. I mean, it’s obvious they (BW) cannot provide a lv60 toon with 198 gear (Or the “equivalent” max rating pvp gear, I don’t know what it is, I don’t care about pvp), so my guess is that it will be something with no credits in the bank (Or a very small amount), cheap green non-moddable gear and lv60 stats that any of us can get just by playing SoR. As someone having 8 toons at lv60 (1 per class) and other 4 random ones (So, all 12 slots already used), I’m not really bothered by this thing and I won’t probably buy a new server slot just for the free 60, although I think it’s a good idea for people that either doesn’t care about the story of a class or just want to try a different spec or are interested only in the new expansion and not in any of the 1-50 and 50-55/55-60 content.Īnyway, I don’t get what’s the problem with people that will either receive the free 60 or buy one with cc and play with it.

The old republic level cap